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Destinația: Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldive
Tematica vacanței: Romantică, Plajă, Maldive, Lux
Dragi călători, pentru a vă îmbogăți experiența în Maldive și a vă pregăti pentru o escapadă romantică de neuitat, vă recomandăm să consultați ghiduri și cărți care să vă ofere o perspectivă mai amplă asupra destinației alese. "Lonely Planet's Maldives" este un ghid excelent pentru a descoperi secretele și frumusețile ascunse ale insulelor. De asemenea, "The Maldives: An Underwater Paradise" de Michael Friedel vă va oferi o privire asupra lumii subacvatice spectaculoase. Pentru o înțelegere mai profundă a culturii și istoriei locului, "Gateways to Paradise: The Maldives Islands" de Clarence Maloney poate fi o lectură fascinantă. Vă dorim o călătorie plină de momente memorabile și lecturi inspiraționale.
The Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, are an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls. From these small islands, only 203 are populated. Kaafu is where the capital, Male, and the airport are located and it is home of most tourist resorts. The Maldives really are the dream destination it appears to be in the holiday brochures, the water really is that crystal-clear and turquoise, the sand really is that white, and the sunsets really are all the shades of red and orange you could imagine. The Maldives are famous for blissful surroundings, its excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities, its beach villas, its dark-blue sea with turquoise-colored lagoons and its exquisite food. A trip to the Maldives is always an unforgettable experience, a satisfaction for the soul and a pleasure for the eyes, crystal clear waters, tropical white sand beaches, colorful flora and untouched nature. But beware, paradise is not cheap.
Compulsory Seaplane transfer (35 minutes) from Male Airport:
Seaplane is managed by a third party named Trans Maldivian Airways. Guest are advised to provide flight details and all full names to the hotel latest 3 days before arrival for the arrangement.
Airport service is available at scheduled times from 06:00 to 15:30.